As of 2014, there are three major carriers that offer mobile connectivity for tourists, with Vodafone and Spark (formerly Telecom) having the widest coverage, followed by 2 degrees. 3g/4g for the North Island works marginally better with Spark, whereas Vodafone is again marginally better in the South Island.
Top Prepaid SIM options
1. Vodafone Cost: Sims are 5 NZD ($4 USD), 3 NZD ($2.30 USD) for 300 mb data lasting one day, or 12 NZD ($9.50 USD) for 500 mb data lasting month. Link
2. Spark Cost: Sims are 5 NZD ($4 USD), 1 NZD ($.80 USD) for 10 mb data lasting one day, or $19 NZD ($15 USD) for 500 mb data lasting one month. Link
3. 2Degrees Cost: Sims are free to $10 USD, 6 NZD ($5 USD) for 100 mb data lasting one month, or 20 NZD ($16 USD) for 1 gb data lasting one month. Link
Where to Buy: Anywhere
Call for Information: 09 365 9925 (Auckland i-Site) or 03 353 7774 (Christchurch i-Site)
Call for Emergency: 112