As of 2014, there are four mobile operators that offer mobile connectivity for tourists. Of these, Mobicom and Unitel offer GSM, and Mobicom has the widest coverage. A passport is required to purchase the SIM.
Top Prepaid SIM options
1. Mobicom
Cost: 10,000 MNT ($6 USD) for the SIM, 1,000 MNT ($.60 USD) for 100 mb data lasting one day, 4,500 MNT ($2.50 USD) for 500 mb lasting 7 days, or 12,000 MNT ($6.70 USD) for 1 gb data lasting one month. Link
2. Unitel (only viewable using Internet Explorer)
Cost: 10,000 MNT ($6 USD) for the SIM, 1,200 MNT ($.66 USD) for 50 mb data lasting one day, or 4,000 MNT ($2.25 USD) for 200 mb lasting 7 days. Link (apologies, but Link to website is viewable using Internet Explorer only)
Where to Buy: Anywhere.
Call for Information: +976-11-330675
Call for Emergency: 102